The power of win/win thinking

The power of win/win thinking

  THE POWER OF WIN-WIN THINKING “What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?” GEORGE ELIOT Think win-win is an attitude toward life, a mental frame of mind that says I can win, and so can you. It’s not me or you, it’s both of us....
The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief

“I will believe it when I see it!” “I am not good with people!” “John will never make it as a manager!” We have heard these comments so many times. In fact we have most probably used the same terms ourselves before; or it might just be part of your...
Your friends can kill you. Choose them wisely.

Your friends can kill you. Choose them wisely.

We’ve all been told that we should choose our friends wisely. We have somewhat of an idea that our friends are influential in our lives, but just how much influence do they have? What impact are they likely to have on our lives? In this article we explore some of the...
Are You Living Your Own Life?

Are You Living Your Own Life?

Have you ever made a choice that effected the direction of your life or your career because you felt that it’s what other people expected you to do? This is a topic that I have been thinking about lately as I have come across many people that have and/or still...
Do You Think The Same Way As Others?

Do You Think The Same Way As Others?

You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. An old friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect partner you have...
The Power Of Reciprocation

The Power Of Reciprocation

What would motivate the government of South Africa to recently extend a R 350 million economic assistance package to Cuba? Why would the South African government bend over backwards to help out this country that is anti democratic and riddled with nepotism?  It is...