As a leader much is expected of you. See how you do against this list. At the very least you have to:
– Lead increasingly more diverse situations every day
– Possess, yet continue developing emotional intelligence
– Solve multiple problems effectively – and the list seems to grow all the time
– Make effective decisions in a disruptive economy
– Lead the Y & Z generations well
– Delegate masterfully
– Not only understand high performance leadership but ensure it becomes a culture
– Know how to turn increasing stress into motivation
– Achieve through human relationships
– Master consistent and ever increasing change
– Be super effective at leading never ending meetings
– Know how to influence up, down, sideways
– Be assertive, never aggressive
– Be a great mentor and masterful coach
– Understand and Manage finances effectively
– Optimise systems, processes and procedures constantly
– Always Deliver consistently against ever increasing expectations
You would be correct in believing your organisation should train you to master the above. But let me assure you, it won’t and can’t happen, partly because it would simply be too expensive for them to do this, for all leaders on all levels. Yet, there will either be an unspoken expectation for you to master all these skills & attributes, or it will by default be essential to do so, if you are going to deliver as expected.
The organisation makes promises to shareholders, or the market, and to achieve it leaders in essence have to match it with their skills and abilities. Outward promises and expectations have already – or will – outgrown inward investment to continually up-skill and prepare leaders to deliver.
Yet leaders on all levels can’t just be GOOD or BETTER, they have to be GREAT.
To become GREAT you have to:
– Own your own leadership development – appreciate what your organisation is willing to send your way. But know your leadership responsibility requires more.
– Develop yourself real-time (continually), as a way of life, like diet and exercise. Real-time self development becomes a critical success factor.
– Seek out and embrace real-time feedback and match your development with it.
– Make sure throughout your development journey that you execute, deliver, consistently.
All this and more are possible inside ThinkLead Ecosystem. Join today at
Adriaan Groenewald
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