Charles H andy, the great American author who said, “We need a radical upside down thinking on every major issue that confronts the world today.”
The world is changing. We are moving faster than at any other time in our history and we are sitting on a time bomb. “A time bomb” you may ask? Yes a time bomb.
We have moved so quickly from the industrial age to the age of information. This is an economy dominated by the customer and not by the manufacturer. The old industrial age jobs are falling away and they are being replaced by wisdom, human brainpower and spirit.
Organisations are crying out for the RIGHT people – people who are able to add value, deliver on performance targets, make decisions, act on opportunities and serve. These people will be paid for their value. Salaries, as we know them, are falling away. People are now starting to be paid for the value that they bring to the market place.
This is the time bomb, because for those who are not able to add value, there will be no jobs. Unfortunately these people will take their own initiatives, substituting terrorism for politics and bombs for votes as their way of turning the world upside down.”
It is important that in your quest to become more valuable and wealthy the quick fix is to underst and that there is no quick fix. Valuable people do not become valuable over-night. They know what they want, they decide to do whatever it takes and they are prepared to learn and change their approach if necessary. Their desire is spurred on by the fact that they feel good about themselves for doing the things they know they should be doing. In other words – they earn their value.