Taking charge of every pursuit of the business as one’s avowed duty with a sense of ownership is a critical trait and competency every organization needs to have in its human capital to drive authentic efforts for greater achievements. An individual with a high sense of ownership can be relied upon to consistently deliver and exceed stated goals. That person acts in a way that makes him or her trustworthy. Sense of ownership assures a steady and safe pair of h ands. Individuals with such sense display maturity by taking responsibility for mistakes and taking charge to arrive at solutions as well as remaining optimistic and persistent even under adversity and recover quickly from setbacks.
How do we ensure a sense of ownership in ourselves? Always see your problems or resolutions or goals as life-threatening. When problems are life-threatening, image destroying, and have possible family strain and stress impact we tend to pay attention and commit to resolve, for example, health matters. Imagine the pain of regret if you fail to achieve due to your irresponsibility. Infuse passion into all you do. Passion which is strong will and joy, runs the race, not knowledge or strength or incomes and titles. Talk to trusted people, seek more information and knowledge to develop conviction in decisions you take to ensure the brutal execution of your goals. One other powerful way of developing a sense of ownership is having the glorious end in sight by visualizing, imagining and feeling the reward of growth.
The power of a sense of ownership is incredible and can be converted into greater results on the job by leaders, managers and supervisors.
Employees must be involved in the decision making of the major activities at the workplace. This gives employees the awareness that they know more about their jobs than anyone else and own the ideas to be implemented. Getting employees involved means focusing on soliciting ideas from everyone. The important point here is that when people come up with their own creative ideas, they own the process and make their jobs exciting and keep on working in good spirit. It really makes the major difference between interesting work and boring work.
The quality of interpersonal relationships with the work group is very important to employees. That is, the extent to which an individual is accepted as part of the work group and the friendliness and support of his or her fellow employees. Managers should therefore look out for conflicts among group members and resolve them in good time. Individuals must also be consulted in most cases before a major decision affecting them is taken. Leaders should try some of the idea’s individuals will bring out as solutions to problems. Managers and supervisors may hold regular meetings creating an atmosphere in which face to face discussions are valued more highly than excessive written communication. If a task has not been done it can be raised at the meeting or privately with the individuals concerned. These breed sense of trust and ownership.
Employees’ job satisfaction is considerably improved when managers are perceived to be fair, helpful, competent trainers and good listeners. Managers and supervisors, therefore, have to manage work groups in such a way that the employees can be proud of and willing to work for you and the organization with the feeling of ownership.
The tangible or material rewards employees receive only attract and to some extent retain them on the job; what motivates them or urges them to do the job willingly as their own is an environment that makes them feel good on the job and personally responsible for performance level at the workplace. This can be done to a very large extent by the immediate supervisor or manager.
Genuine and sustained Sense of Ownership is psychological and calls for commitment from leaders and supervisors to work it out in the group they lead with care, love, trust, consistent development of the people and involvement of members in planning, organizing and decision making as well as regular and timeous communication.
Dr Richard Kyereboah