If it is complicated, it’s from the ego. Spirit is simple.
Wars, genocides, famines, the fight for greed over need, profits at all cost, exploitation in the business world, technositis (an ailment I made up depicting the effect of negative usage of technology on the world, the community, the family, the individual) etc. 
When one looks at the villains of the world, I wonder if we can really tell them apart given the ludicrous behaviour that seems to be mirrored in all of them?
No one has really been able to explain why a person, an organization or a nation can be cruel beyond human imagination. Cruel men unfortunately believe in a cruel god and use their belief to excuse their cruelty.
In the world we live in, we are raising children to value things over relationships, grooming them to hate as opposed to love – directly or indirectly, choosing selfishness over selflessness, outer beauty over inner beauty and knowledge over wisdom.
What we call imagination is actually the universal library of what’s real. You couldn’t imagine it if it weren’t real somewhere, sometime. To be able to rethink this, one has to accept that one’s assumptions are one’s windows on the world which need to be cleansed often. Ultimately freedom should be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.
We are at war; a war that requires no weapons of mass destruction but uses weapons of mass distraction. The powers that be have perfected the magicians’ art of keeping us occupied with what they want us to think is important, but in reality, is a deflection from what really matters. Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way. After all the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
If we saw someone begging on the street, the majority of us would think that the person is a scammer. In such a situation, how many of us would give the person the benefit of doubt to not maybe give charity immediately but to dig deeper into the person’s situation. More importantly, do we even ask why the person is in that state at all and what can we do to bring about change!
I do not profess to be perfect, but merely opine to plant those seeds that afflict my conscious in my journey to better myself. I also say to my conscious that a man on a quest for wisdom, must be able to not only love his enemies but also to hate his friends as a seeker of peace.
Let us think, and not be led by those who wish to stack the deck in their favour.  The soul has no secret that the behaviour does not reveal.
Contentment is natural wealth; luxury is artificial poverty.
Thinking matters.

Abdulhussain Tejani

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