I am often asked why people allow themselves to be engulfed in negative thoughts? Why, when we live in such an exciting time in history do people choose to focus on the negative aspects of life?
My answer – “because it is easier.”
To be negative you do not need to do anything. You can sit on your backside all day and it will just fly at you:
- Open the newspapers
- Turn on the radio
- Switch on the television
You will mostly find negative output from these forms of media. Speak to the majority of people and you will find that most tend to focus on the negative.
The 10 Practices
On the flip side, being positive can become just as easy. Peak Performers are proactive and take responsibility by training their minds to be positive. You can do the same in the following ways:
- Making sure that you read and listen to positive, uplifting, dynamic books and audio
- Surround yourself with positive people, people who make a difference and contribute to life and others
- Get involved in activities that uplift you e.g. exercising, book clubs, toastmasters, etc.
- Focus on positive solutions to challenges.
- Do not spend time waiting for things to change, but rather create change. To be positive you must be proactive.
- Know your values and consciously live them.
- Have a purpose for your life, which allows you to live life with passion and on purpose.
- Know where you are going in your life. This vision will excite and motivate you, even in tough times.
- Know yourself and continuously look for ways to improve and grow. You’ll therefore have many winning experiences that build your self-belief, faith, self-confidence and self-image.
- Realise that by being positive you can do so much more with your life than being negative. Remember, “Positive builds, negative destroys”.
Below I have attached some quotes that you can download and use as background affirmations on your phone, laptop, computer, i pad, etc. to help remind you of the positive change you are making in your life.
To save the picture:
If you’re using a laptop or computer – right click on the image and the select “save image as” and then save it into the folder of your choice on your computer
If you’re using your cellphone, tablet or ipad – select the image by holding your finger on it, an option menu will appear and select save or download image.
Please leave me a comment below of any thoughts, questions or stories that you have about positive or negative attitudes, and I’ll be sure to comment back.
I wish you all the best as you move forward with a positive attitude to becoming an extraordinary individual.
– Dave Boreham